At Horncastle, maths follows the mastery approach from the National Curriculum and is taught using White Rose Mathematics to support us.
Using the mastery approach to teaching maths encourages children to explore their thinking using manipulatives and pictorial representations before moving onto the abstract. As a school we aim to build a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. We want to help shape assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths and for them to become independent, reflective thinkers, whose skills not only liberate them in maths but also support them across the curriculum.
Every lesson includes elements of reasoning and problem solving. The concrete-pictorial-abstract approach is used throughout to support the deep understanding of concepts.
Children are encouraged to discuss their reasoning using key mathematical vocabulary. Teachers question the children, giving them the opportunity to explore and articulate their understanding before moving onto teaching a preferred method.
Fluency of facts such as multiplication tables, estimation and comparing amounts is incorporated into each lesson. We also all the start the day with a fluency challenge to keep our arithmetic skills sharp and use Time Table Rock Stars from Year 2 to help secure these facts.
EYFS and KS1 aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children via the use of Mastering Number. The aim is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.
We also work alongside the East Midlands East Maths Hub. This involves working with local schools and experts to share best practice. Our staff are able to access high quality CPD and together we work to improve mathematical outcomes.
If you wish to find out more about the White Rose Approach, please click the image below:
Why is it right for the children at Horncastle?
Maths is crucial! The number of ways we use maths in our everyday life is almost endless. At Horncastle Primary we therefore aim to equip pupils with the skills to be able to select which mathematical approach is
the most effective in different scenarios to give them the knowledge and skills to function effectively in their future life and next stages of education. Maths lessons provide the opportunity for all pupils, regardless of their ability, to work through fluency, reasoning and problem-solving activities.
We want pupils to enjoy maths and to display a ‘can do’ positive growth mind set so that they are resilient and inquisitive problem solvers.
We have therefore devised a maths curriculum that is intended to be accessible to all and to maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement.
In short, we teach maths to ensure that every child can achieve in maths, and therefore have the numeracy skills they need to feel confident in their maths ability and thrive later in life.