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We are delighted that your child will be joining us at Horncastle Primary School’s Nursery.

Starting Nursery Information

This PowerPoint gives you a tour around our Nursery class!


Applications can be made at any time and will be held on our waiting list to be considered for the planned admission dates at the start of the term after the child’s 3rd birthday.
We have 3 planned admission dates: September, January and April for which applications on our waiting list are considered for the places available. If there are more applicants than places they will be allocated according to the criteria in our Nursery Admission Policy.
Mid Term Applications ie those for children eligible for admission at the time of application can be considered for admission before the next planned admission date.
Month of child’s birthday: Applications considered and offers made: Children Admission in
April, May, June, July, August early June September
September, October, November, December November January
January, February, March late February April